Research indicates that contraceptive pills may reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Research indicates that contraceptive pills may reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

These tiny tablets have enormous potential.

Electronic monitoring enhances well-being and slows the progression of symptoms in cancer patients.

Electronic monitoring enhances well-being and slows the progression of symptoms in cancer patients.

Individuals with metastatic cancer who consistently report their symptoms through a home electronic monitoring system experience a better quality of life, improved clinical outcomes, and enhanced well-being. They also visit emergency departments less frequently compared to those who do not report their symptoms.

Modifying biological materials will enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatment.

Modifying biological materials will enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatment.

Researchers from the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at Virginia Tech believe that altering the physical properties of microscopic biomaterials to facilitate their seamless interaction with body tissues could lead to safer and more effective cancer treatment methods.

Keeping your mobile phone clean can help prevent various illnesses.

Keeping your mobile phone clean can help prevent various illnesses.

We often overlook how many microorganisms are present on our mobile phones.

A groundbreaking new method for detecting inflammation could revolutionize disease diagnosis.

A groundbreaking new method for detecting inflammation could revolutionize disease diagnosis.

Almost every disease has an inflammatory component, but blood tests cannot accurately determine the presence of inflammation in specific organs or tissues of the human body.

Clinical trials for a nasal COVID-19 vaccine have commenced.

Clinical trials for a nasal COVID-19 vaccine have commenced.

The nasal vaccine for COVID-19, developed based on technology created at Washington University in St. Louis, is ready to enter phase 1 of clinical trials in the United States.

Genetically engineered fat cells inhibit tumor growth and eliminate cancer.

Genetically engineered fat cells inhibit tumor growth and eliminate cancer.

Scientists have converted white fat cells, which store energy, into brown fat cells that burn calories.

World Cancer Day 2025: 7 changes to reduce the risk of cancer.

World Cancer Day 2025: 7 changes to reduce the risk of cancer.

Every year on February 4th, the World Cancer Day is observed.

Scratching itchy skin can worsen inflammation and boost immune response.

Scratching itchy skin can worsen inflammation and boost immune response.

A new study reveals the dual nature of scratching itchy areas: while it can exacerbate skin inflammation, it may also enhance immune protection against bacterial infections at the site of damage.

Cancer diagnosis in pregnant women often experiences significant delays.

Cancer diagnosis in pregnant women often experiences significant delays.

In pregnant women, cancer symptoms can sometimes be misdiagnosed as typical pregnancy-related changes, which in some instances leads to delays in treatment, according to a new study conducted by the University of Surrey.

A "patch for the heart" made from stem cells could potentially cure heart failure.

A "patch for the heart" made from stem cells could potentially cure heart failure.

The results obtained from studies on rhesus macaques provide a solid foundation for the first human heart recovery study using stem cell-derived cardiac muscle.

Combined therapy could revolutionize fracture prevention in osteoporosis.

Combined therapy could revolutionize fracture prevention in osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a condition where bone tissue deteriorates faster than it is formed, gradually weakening the structure of the bones and leading to fractures.

The new diagnostic device allows for early detection of bladder cancer in the comfort of your home.

The new diagnostic device allows for early detection of bladder cancer in the comfort of your home.

A recent study published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering by a research team from the Republic of Korea explored a new diagnostic system for the early detection of bladder cancer using unprocessed urine samples.

Trump proposes a radical cancer-fighting plan using vaccines, pledging $500 billion for this initiative.

Trump proposes a radical cancer-fighting plan using vaccines, pledging $500 billion for this initiative.

Trump promised to send Americans to Mars and put an end to the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Phone therapy helps alleviate fatigue and enhances the quality of life for individuals who have survived breast cancer.

Phone therapy helps alleviate fatigue and enhances the quality of life for individuals who have survived breast cancer.

Thanks to advancements in medicine, over 169,000 individuals in the United States are living with metastatic breast cancer.

Psychologists have discovered that children continue to learn even when they seem to be "unaware" of their surroundings.

Psychologists have discovered that children continue to learn even when they seem to be "unaware" of their surroundings.

Are you a parent or teacher frustrated by children not paying attention when you try to teach them something? Don't be disheartened, say psychologists from the University of Toronto.

Home electroencephalography reveals that relying on subjective sleep assessments may not be reliable.

Home electroencephalography reveals that relying on subjective sleep assessments may not be reliable.

Researchers from Tsukuba University have discovered significant discrepancies between subjective and objective assessments of sleep.

A mechanism for the increased risk of osteoarthritis development in postmenopausal women has been identified.

A mechanism for the increased risk of osteoarthritis development in postmenopausal women has been identified.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that disproportionately affects postmenopausal women, and millions of people suffering from it can confidently attest that this disease is accompanied by pain, reduced mobility, and a decline in quality of life.

Obesity impacts the survival chances of children diagnosed with cancer.

Obesity impacts the survival chances of children diagnosed with cancer.

A population study indicates that among children with cancer, the risk of death is higher for those who were obese at the time of diagnosis.

A new study sheds light on the changing trends in liver cancer development.

A new study sheds light on the changing trends in liver cancer development.

Liver cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality from cancer worldwide, and its prevalence exhibits distinct geographical characteristics.

The use of robots in nursing homes helps retain staff and enhances the quality of care provided.

The use of robots in nursing homes helps retain staff and enhances the quality of care provided.

Confronted with high staff turnover and an aging population, nursing homes are increasingly turning to robots to assist with various caregiving tasks. However, to date, only a few researchers have investigated how these technologies impact the staff in nursing homes and the quality of care provided.

Fecal transplants offer new possibilities for treating diabetic gastroenteropathy.

Fecal transplants offer new possibilities for treating diabetic gastroenteropathy.

A recently published study conducted at the Aarhus University Hospital indicates that fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) — a method where intestinal bacteria from healthy donors are transplanted into patients — could be a safe and effective treatment for individuals with type 1 diabetes and gastroenteropathy.

Mini-tumors derived from circulating breast cancer cells offer new avenues for treatment strategies.

Mini-tumors derived from circulating breast cancer cells offer new avenues for treatment strategies.

A team of specialists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the HI-STEM Stem Cell Institute in Heidelberg, and the NCT Heidelberg has successfully cultivated stable tumor organoids directly from blood samples of breast cancer patients for the first time.

Does the use of psychoactive substances alter brain structure, or does brain structure predispose individuals to use these substances?

Does the use of psychoactive substances alter brain structure, or does brain structure predispose individuals to use these substances?

A study led by researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis, and other institutions has revealed neuroanatomical differences in children associated with early onset of psychoactive substance use.

Lack of sleep disrupts brain regions that prevent unwanted memories from forming.

Lack of sleep disrupts brain regions that prevent unwanted memories from forming.

The connection between poor sleep and mental health issues may be linked to dysfunctions in brain areas responsible for holding unwanted thoughts, according to a study from the University of East Anglia (UEA).

Fish will assist oncologists in making more effective decisions regarding cancer treatment.

Fish will assist oncologists in making more effective decisions regarding cancer treatment.

A clinical study, set to begin this month in Portugal, will help clarify this.