"It doesn't matter what this aggressor says!" The head of the OP responded to Putin's demands regarding the "realities on the battlefield."

"Не имеет значения, что говорит этот агрессор!" - Глава ОП прокомментировал требования Путина относительно "реалий на поле боя".

Yermak spoke about this when a journalist mentioned Putin's recent demand that the negotiations should take into account "the realities unfolding on the battlefield". The media representative asked how Ukraine could hope to hold a second global peace summit while its positions and those of the Russian Federation are "so far apart."

Yermak first recalled the initial peace summit that took place in Switzerland. He emphasized that 96 countries there affirmed the principle of recognizing international borders against the seizure of land by force. The journalist again inquired about Putin's stance.

"I don't care what this aggressor says! We cannot shape a peace proposal under the influence of those who wanted this war," the head of the Office of the President responded.

According to him, Ukraine will be ready to hold a peace summit when it feels strong and gains support from the Global South for negotiations with the Russian Federation.

When this will happen, Yermak does not know. However, he added, Ukraine plans to do this "when the appropriate conditions are in place, hopefully as soon as possible."