В Киеве задержали члена "ИГИЛ" / фото ua.depositphotos.com

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) apprehended a member of the international terrorist organization "Islamic State" in Kyiv, who had been wanted by Interpol and had been evading justice for seven years.

According to a statement on the website of the Security Service of Ukraine, the perpetrator was a citizen of a Central Asian country who illegally entered Ukraine before the full-scale invasion, using the passport of a fictitious individual.

"Prior to this, the ISIS participant spent a considerable amount of time in the Middle East, where he was involved in smuggling militants of the terrorist organization into Syria," the Service reported.

The SBU added that upon arriving in Ukraine, the man attempted to evade justice by frequently changing his mobile phone numbers and the addresses of his rented apartments in various cities:

"Later, he attempted to establish a channel in Kyiv for the illegal legalization of individuals from countries with heightened terrorist risks."

Meanwhile, SBU officials tracked his location and arrested him at his temporary residence in Kyiv.

Член "ИГИЛ" задержан в Киеве / фото ssu.gov.ua

Currently, the terrorist organization member is in custody, in accordance with the extradition arrest procedure. The issue of his further extradition to his country of origin, which placed him on the international wanted list in 2017, is being resolved.

Interesting News - What Has Been Reported

As previously reported, France deported Omar bin Laden, the son of the founder of the terrorist organization "Al-Qaeda," Osama bin Laden, from its territory. Omar bin Laden had lived for years in the village of Domfront, Normandy (northern France), where he painted landscapes.

According to the local newspaper Le Publicateur Libre, the son of the notorious terrorist attracted the attention of French authorities due to a social media post on his father's birthday.