The Grinkevich case: The State Bureau of Investigation has issued suspicion against another official from the Ministry of Defense.

Дело Гринкевичей: ГБР предъявила подозрение еще одному чиновнику Министерства обороны.

Law enforcement officials have not disclosed the name of the entrepreneur, but they mention that he is involved in a case concerning damages to the state amounting to nearly one billion hryvnias. This amount is referenced in the charges against entrepreneur Igor Grinkevich.

According to the investigation, in 2023, the businesses controlled by the entrepreneur entered into 23 contracts with the Ministry of Defense for the supply of military uniforms valued at approximately 1.5 billion UAH, despite lacking the production resources necessary for their execution. The suspect official unjustifiably signed additional agreements that extended the delivery deadlines for the goods, effectively "writing off" nearly 94 million UAH in penalties.

The deputy director of the department has been informed of the suspicion of abuse of power or official position (part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The sanctions of the article provide for up to six years in prison.

The State Bureau of Investigation (GBR) states that they will request the court to place the official in custody with an alternative of a bail of 100 million UAH.