In response to threats from Russia, Tusk proposes establishing a naval police force in the Baltic Sea.

В ответ на угрозы из России Туск предлагает учредить военно-морскую полицию в Балтийском море.

The meeting of the leaders of the Nordic and Baltic countries will take place in Sweden on November 27.

Tusk mentioned that three key issues will be discussed during the negotiations, in which Poland has "recently played a crucial role": the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Europe's relations with the United States following the presidential elections "in the context of Western security," and regional cooperation "in the context of security."

According to the Polish Prime Minister, he will advocate for the immediate establishment of a naval police to monitor and ensure security in the Baltic Sea. Tusk believes this should resemble the existing NATO "air policing" that patrols the airspace.

He explained that this service should be a joint effort among countries with access to the Baltic Sea and "share a common sense of threat regarding Russia."

The Polish politician also pointed out Russia's "weakness" in the context of a united Europe and the "strength of the Kremlin" when Europe is, conversely, divided.

"The era of fear and uncertainty regarding Russia must come to an end," Tusk is quoted by RMF24.