South Korea faces a power crisis as the Constitutional Court may take up to six months to evaluate the legality of the president's impeachment.

В Южной Корее кризис власти: Конституционный суд может изучать законность импичмента президента на протяжении полугода.

The preparatory hearings and the subsequent session will be public, as stated in the announcement. Yoon Suk-yeol is required to attend the hearings, but not the initial one, the agency notes.

A decision must be reached within three months.

"The Constitutional Court has up to 180 days to decide whether to uphold the impeachment and remove Yoon from office or to reinstate him," writes Yonhap.

As part of the impeachment review preparation, the Constitutional Court has already appointed the presiding judge – Jeong Heon-sik. He holds conservative views and took office in December of last year following Yoon Suk-yeol's appointment. Two judges have also been selected to examine the evidence related to the president's case.

If the impeachment is upheld, Yoon Suk-yeol will become the second president of South Korea to be removed from power. The previous president, Park Geun-hye, was ousted through impeachment in 2017, the agency notes.

Recognizing the impeachment as constitutional will result in the announcement of elections within 60 days.