Nobel Peace Prize laureate: I wish the UN Secretary-General would present Putin with an arrest warrant.

Лауреат Нобелевской премии мира: Я бы хотела, чтобы генсек ООН вручил Путину ордер на арест.

Guterres, despite Ukraine's criticism, visited Russia and met with Putin.

"Of course, I would have liked him to hand [Putin] an arrest warrant; after all, the International Criminal Court is part of the UN collective security system established in the last century," noted Matviychuk at the KFB.

According to her, the world order based on the UN Charter and international law is crumbling before our eyes, making it essential to reform the UN.

As Matviychuk pointed out, the UN security system was created after World War II by the victorious states, which embedded privileges for themselves.

"Russia, which somewhat unlawfully took the place of the Soviet Union in the UN Security Council, received these privileges in the form of veto power, paralyzing the entire Security Council's work. Therefore, the UN system is currently non-functional; it is collapsing," stated the Nobel Peace Prize laureate at the youth forum. "I believe that if not us, then your generation will bear the historical responsibility to initiate a global reform of the UN's peace and security system, so it can effectively protect people from authoritarian regimes and wars."