Lomako: Inaction by the military administration in Chernihiv will result in the closure of hospitals and a lack of food in kindergartens.

Ломако: Невозможность действий военной администрации Чернигова может привести к закрытию больницы и нехватке питания в детских садах.

"The inaction of the military administration may lead to the suspension of funding for kindergartens, the operation of City Hospital No. 2, and public transportation. By securing the right to unilaterally manage the city budget through the courts, the military administration is using these powers to block municipal issues. Such 'entertainment' at the end of the budget year could have very negative consequences for Chernihiv and its residents," wrote Lomako.

Lomako noted that the heads of departments reported on the issues being blocked by the military administration during a citywide meeting and provided examples of the military administration's inaction.

"There is a threat of blocking the accounts of Hospital No. 2, which would lead to its closure. This is due to the fact that since November 6, the military administration has not signed the financial authority's proposed budget amendments, which allocate funds for the hospital to comply with a Supreme Court ruling. The operation of kindergartens is also at risk due to the inability to purchase food and organize meals. It is necessary to approve the reallocation of funds in the education department's budget. The documents have been stagnant in the military administration since November 6," wrote the acting mayor.

According to him, the city military administration has not compensated for subsidized transportation on city buses since September. Since October 22, it has not signed documents for upgrading the heating system in School No. 19, which could leave children without heating in winter. Since November 4, it has been delaying the establishment of a temporary road in place of the destroyed bridge on Kiltseva Street, the completion of work at the military memorial cemetery in Yelovshchyna, and so forth.

"This is just a part of a long list of municipal issues that are not being funded due to the military administration's inadequate attitude towards the city's problems," Lomako emphasized.