"We're not interfering." Blinken announced that the U.S. has set Ukraine on the path to NATO membership.

"Мы не вмешиваемся". Блинкен сообщил, что США поддерживают Украину на пути к членству в НАТО.

According to Blinken, it is the fifth article of the North Atlantic Treaty, which obliges allied countries to assist one another in the event of an attack, that is key to Ukraine's future security.

The Secretary of State noted that for the first time in the bloc's history, a special command has been established to assist Ukraine in taking practical steps towards membership.

"We are not hindering. We have set Ukraine on the path to NATO membership. And the successive Alliance summits have been very clear on this matter," he stated.

Additionally, Blinken believes that the deployment of European troops along the line of demarcation would serve as a good guarantee in the event of a peace treaty with the aggressor country.

"We are at a point where, if you look at what constitutes success for Ukraine, I believe we are on the path to success in this regard," Blinken declared.