Leaders of five regional prosecutor's offices and the head of the military prosecutor's office in southern Ukraine have submitted their resignation letters.

Руководители пяти областных прокуратур и начальник военной прокуратуры юга Украины подали заявления об увольнении.

According to Kostin, the leaders of the Zaporizhzhia, Rivne, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Cherkasy regional prosecutor's offices and the specialized prosecutor's office in the defense sector of the Southern region decided to resign.

"All of them were receiving increased pensions for years of service, which were assigned by court decision," noted the Attorney General.

He stated that there is currently an internal investigation regarding the legality of prosecutors obtaining disability status and receiving pension payments.

"Additionally, the Prosecutors' Council supported amendments to the Law of Ukraine 'On the Prosecutor's Office,' aimed at preventing prosecutors from receiving pensions simultaneously with their salaries. According to these proposals, pension payments for years of service to prosecutors will only be made after their resignation from work. This means either a salary or a pension. The relevant developments will be submitted to the legislative initiative body," the Attorney General added.

Also today, as Kostin reported, the first meeting of the independent commission for selecting candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve for leadership positions in regional and district prosecutor's offices took place in the Office of the Attorney General.

"I initiated the creation of this commission to enhance the transparency of the appointment process for such positions. This is one of the first elements of a comprehensive HR reform of the prosecutor's office that began in July of this year. The commission will assess the professional qualities and reputation of candidates," he explained.