Ukraine is seriously considering restoring its nuclear weapons, with the process to create a bomb potentially taking just a few weeks, according to Bild.

Украина рассматривает возможность восстановления ядерного оружия, и на создание бомбы может потребоваться всего несколько недель, сообщает Bild.

During a press conference at the EU summit in Brussels, Zelensky recounted his recent conversation with U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump. Specifically, Zelensky reminded that the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, involving Russia, the U.S., and the UK, promised Ukraine protection of its territorial integrity and sovereignty in exchange for giving up nuclear weapons. However, this document is no longer effective, which means the country's security can only be ensured through either NATO membership or nuclear weapons.

The President added that Ukraine opts for NATO rather than nuclear weapons. According to Zelensky, Trump acknowledged this, stating that these are "fair arguments."

According to Repke, a few months ago, a high-ranking Ukrainian official hinted to Bild that Ukraine would not tolerate a second offensive from the aggressor country, Russia, on Kyiv.

In such a case, Ukraine's nuclear arsenal, which the country voluntarily relinquished in the 1990s, would be restored.

A Ukrainian official involved in arms procurement stated in a closed meeting that Ukraine "has the materials" and "has the knowledge." Therefore, "if there is an order – it will take just a few weeks to obtain the first bomb," he pointed out.

The West should "think less about Russia's 'red lines' and much more about Ukraine's 'red lines'," noted the official cited by Repke.