Telegram channels are sharing a video showing a police officer "filling" a car's interior with gas from a canister, after which a person in military uniform (presumably, an employee of the TCC) sets it on fire, likely to "smoke out" a conscript from the vehicle. It is claimed that the footage was captured in the Vyshgorod area of Kyiv region.
The recording reveals several men in military uniforms and two in police uniforms standing next to the car, attempting to open its doors. After several failed attempts, they decided either to release gas inside the cabin or spray it on the rubber insulation of the doors, intending to unlock them after the fire. Subsequently, the flames spread to the car's roof, but this did not help in opening the door, and the men walked away from the vehicle laughing.
Later, the Ministry of Defense promised to hold accountable all those involved in the incident.
"The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine categorically condemns any actions that contravene the law and the principles of service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine," the department's press service stated.
It is also noted that the Ministry of Defense, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies, is conducting an investigation to identify those involved in this situation.
"Such actions are unacceptable and undermine trust in the Armed Forces and the security sector," the Ministry of Defense added.
The police of Kyiv region have initiated a service investigation regarding the incident in Vyshgorod.
"During social media monitoring, a video was discovered showing unacceptable actions by police officers who were serving as part of the patrol police response group of the Vyshgorod district police department in Kyiv region," wrote in the department's press service.
It is noted that the actions of the police officers will be legally assessed. During the investigation, both police officers have been suspended from their official duties.
Unlawful Actions by TCC Employees
Employees of the Kovel City TCC and SP beat a man and took him directly from the hospital. This was reported by the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets.
He added that despite the arrival of police, employees of the Volyn OTCC and SP and Lutsk GTC and SP did not allow communication with the detained man, stating that he had been taken to a military unit.