Країни Балтії введуть санкції проти тих, хто силою придушує протести в Тбілісі, – заявив Ландсбергіс.

Латвия, Литва и Эстония введут санкции против тех, кто применяет силу для разгона протестов в Тбилиси, заявил Ландсбергис.

"Opponents of democracy and violators of human rights have no place in our countries," he wrote.

The three Baltic States collectively decided to implement national sanctions against those who suppressed legitimate protests in #Georgia.

Opponents of democracy & violators of human rights are not welcome in our countries.

— Margus Tsahkna (@Tsahkna) December 1, 2024

The fourth day of anti-government protests in Georgia concluded with new dispersals and arrests. Resistance in the capital persisted throughout the night, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia reported in the morning that a total of 224 people have been detained over the past days of protests, accused of petty hooliganism, resisting, and disobeying law enforcement.